
Ben Kovach began creating procedurally generated artwork in 2017. He lives in Burlington, VT with his wife and 2-year old daughter.

Artist Statement

While developing an artistic idea can take a long time, putting an idea down on paper can take a lifetime. The (manual) artwork I’ve made in the past has always been a bit chaotic and finely detailed; finding a way to reduce tedium with code was a huge revelation for me when I began this endeavor. With procedural generation, I can save my stylistic choices and re-use them later. I can add a nearly infinite amount of detail to any artwork. I can explore quickly and seamlessly, figuring out which ideas work and which ones don’t in a short period of time. Randomized outputs can be unpredictable, so I’m constantly surprised by even my own work. The space of possible outputs from a computer is mind-blowingly large. My goal is to exploring the slice of that space that reflects my taste as an artist, and share that slice with the world.